11 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan prestasi belajar teori perbaikan engine berikut komponennya melalui model pembelajaran kooperatif (cooperative learning) tipe peta konsep (concept mapping) pada siswa kelas XI B program keahlian teknik sepeda motor di SMK Diponegoro. Penelitian dilakukan di SMK Diponegoro Depok, Sleman, dengan subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI B yang berjumlah 17 siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK), melalui pendekatan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe peta konsep. Model/desain penelitian yang diterapkan mengacu pada model Kurt Lewin yang dilakukan dalam 4 tahapan yaitu perencanaan, tindakan, pengamatan dan refleksi. Penelitian tindakan kelas dilakukan dalam 3 siklus. Pelaksanaan siklus dimulai dari tahap perencanaan penelitian berdasarkan studi pendahuluan. Tahap pelaksanaan tindakan kelas dengan penerapan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe peta konsep, meliputi; penyajian materi, pembentukan kelompok, diskusi kelompok, presentasi kelas dan evaluasi untuk mengetahui prestasi hasil belajar siswa. Tahap pengamatan yaitu dengan mengisi lembar observasi keterlaksanaan proses pembelajaran kooperatif tipe peta konsep oleh observer. Tahap refleksi yaitu mengevaluasi pencapaian dan kekurangan dari tiap-tiap siklus untuk perbaikan pada siklus berikutnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prestasi belajar siswa meningkat pada setiap siklus setelah diterapkan pendekatan pembelajaran model kooperatif tipe peta konsep. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan besarnya rata-rata persentase nilai teori perbaikan engine berikut komponennya dan ketercapaian ketuntasan belajar siswa yang mengacu pada KKM. Pada siklus 1 rata – rata prestasi belajar siswa mencapai 75,87 dengan presentase jumlah siswa yang mencapai ketuntasan belajar yaitu 64,70% atau sebanyak 11 siswa. Pada siklus 2 rata – rata prestasi belajar siswa meningkat menjadi 77,42 dengan persentase jumlah siswa yang mencapai ketuntasan belajar meningkat 11,70% menjadi 76,40%, meningkat 2 siswa menjadi 13 siswa. Pada siklus 3 rata – rata prestasi belajar menjadi 75,35 dengan persentase jumlah siswa yang mencapai ketuntasan belajar meningkat 5,90% menjadi 82,30%, meningkat 1 siswa menjadi 14 siswa


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    UPAYA MENINGKATKAN PRESTASI BELAJAR TEORI PERBAIKAN ENGINE BERIKUT KOMPONENNYA MELALUI PEMBELAJARAN KOOPERATIF TIPE PETA KONSEP PADA SISWA KELAS XI B PROGRAM KEAHLIAN TEKNIK SEPEDA MOTOR DI SMK DIPONEGORO DEPOK Timbul Santoso 05504241015 ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan prestasi belajar teori perbaikan engine berikut komponennya melalui model pembelajaran kooperatif (cooperative learning) tipe peta konsep (concept mapping) pada siswa kelas XI B program keahlian teknik sepeda motor di SMK Diponegoro. Penelitian dilakukan di SMK Diponegoro Depok, Sleman, dengan subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI B yang berjumlah 17 siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK), melalui pendekatan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe peta konsep. Model/desain penelitian yang diterapkan mengacu pada model Kurt Lewin yang dilakukan dalam 4 tahapan yaitu perencanaan, tindakan, pengamatan dan refleksi. Penelitian tindakan kelas dilakukan dalam 3 siklus. Pelaksanaan siklus dimulai dari tahap perencanaan penelitian berdasarkan studi pendahuluan. Tahap pelaksanaan tindakan kelas dengan penerapan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe peta konsep, meliputi; penyajian materi, pembentukan kelompok, diskusi kelompok, presentasi kelas dan evaluasi untuk mengetahui prestasi hasil belajar siswa. Tahap pengamatan yaitu dengan mengisi lembar observasi keterlaksanaan proses pembelajaran kooperatif tipe peta konsep oleh observer. Tahap refleksi yaitu mengevaluasi pencapaian dan kekurangan dari tiap-tiap siklus untuk perbaikan pada siklus berikutnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prestasi belajar siswa meningkat pada setiap siklus setelah diterapkan pendekatan pembelajaran model kooperatif tipe peta konsep. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan besarnya rata-rata persentase nilai teori perbaikan engine berikut komponennya dan ketercapaian ketuntasan belajar siswa yang mengacu pada KKM. Pada siklus 1 rata – rata prestasi belajar siswa mencapai 75,87 dengan presentase jumlah siswa yang mencapai ketuntasan belajar yaitu 64,70% atau sebanyak 11 siswa. Pada siklus 2 rata – rata prestasi belajar siswa meningkat menjadi 77,42 dengan persentase jumlah siswa yang mencapai ketuntasan belajar meningkat 11,70% menjadi 76,40%, meningkat 2 siswa menjadi 13 siswa. Pada siklus 3 rata – rata prestasi belajar menjadi 75,35 dengan persentase jumlah siswa yang mencapai ketuntasan belajar meningkat 5,90% menjadi 82,30%, meningkat 1 siswa menjadi 14 siswa. Kata kunci : Pembelajaran kooperatif tipe peta konsep, motivasi, prestasi belaja

    Exploring the benefits of international government bond portfolio diversification strategies

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    We use the Bayesian approach of Wang(1998) to examine the diversification benefits of investing in international government bonds. We find that no short selling constraints substantially reduce but do not eliminate the diversification benefits when only investing in G7 government bonds with different maturities. There are significant diversification benefits when using the G7 bonds, an inflation-linked bond index, and emerging market bonds even in the presence of no short selling constraints. The superior performance is driven by the emerging markets bonds. We also find that the diversification benefits vary across different economic states


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    Dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan, pelayanan masyarakat dan pembangunan, pada hakekatnya pemerintahan suatu negara mengemban tiga fungsi utama yaitu fungsi alokasi, yang meliputi sumber-sumber ekonomi dalam bentuk barang dan jasa layanan masyarakat; fungsi distribusi yang mencakup pendapatan dan kekayaan masyarakat, pemerataan pembangunan; dan fungsi stabilitas yang mencakup pertahanan-keamanan, ekonomi dan moneter. Fungsi distribusi dan stabilisasi pada umumnya lebih efektif dilaksanakan oleh pemerintah pusat sedangkan fungsi alokasi pada umumnya lebih efektif dilaksanakan Pemerintah Daerah karena daerah lebih mengetahui kebutuhan dan standar pelayanan masyarakat. Namun dalam pelaksanaannya perlu diperhatikan kondisi dan situasi yang berbeda di masing-masing wilayah, dengan demikian pembagian ketiga fungsi dimaksud sangat penting sebagai landasan dalam pembentukan UU No. 22 dan No. 25 Tahun 1999 masingmasing tentang Pemerintah Daerah dan Perimbangan Hubungan Keuangan Antara Pusat dan Daerah mengganti UU No. 5 Tahun 1974 dan UU No. 5 Tahun 1979 tentang Pemerintah Daerah. Implentasi secara menyeluruh atas UU di atas dirasakan masih membutuhkan waktu mengingat proses penyusunan aturan pendukung yang sampai sekarang masih berjalan, di sisi lain upaya sosialisasi keberadaan kedua UU tersebut juga terus diupayakan sehingga nantinya akan tercapai kesamaan persepsi yang sangat bermanfaat bagi percepatan pembangunan daerah sebagaimana yang diinginkan

    The effect of scoring correction and model fit on the estimation of ability parameter and person fit on polytomous item response theory

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    Scoring quality has been recognized as one of the important aspects that should be of concern to both test developers and users. This study aimed to investigate the effect of scoring correction and model fit on the estimation of ability parameters and person fit in the polytomous item response theory. The result of 165 students in the Statistics course (SATS4410) test at one of the universities in Indonesia was used to answer the problems in this study. The polytomous data obtained from scoring the test results were analyzed using the Item Response Theory (IRT) approach with the Partial Credit Model (PCM), Graded Response Model (GRM), and Generalized Partial Credit Model (GPCM). The effect of scoring correction and model fit on the estimation of ability and person fit was tested using multivariate analysis. Among the three models used, GRM showed the best fit based on p-value and RSMEA. The results of the analysis also showed that there was no significant effect of scoring correction and model fit on the estimation of the test taker’s ability and person fit. From the results of this study, we recommend the importance of evaluating the levels or categories used in scoring student work on a test

    Foreign reserves strategic asset allocation, a Bayesian approach

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    Despite massive global foreign reserves accumulation since the late 1990s, a study on strategic asset allocation from a central bank perspective remains relatively limited. Many countries have built up foreign reserves greater than their trading and financing sufficiency; consequently, there is increased public awareness as to how central banks manage their reserves. This research addresses the issue of asset structure of foreign reserves portfolios; currency composition and strategic asset allocation. This thesis provides an alternative strategic asset allocation framework that focuses more on liquidity and safety objectives, without sacrificing return objective of the existing central banks' portfolios. This research contributes to the theoretical literature that combines mean-variance Bayesian framework with the spirit of the transaction theory of central bank foreign reserves. First, using the unconditional Bayesian approach with external transaction constraints, I investigate risk reduction benefits to both minimum variance and optimal portfolios for a given existing return for central banks'currency allocation. Our results show that before imposing currency weight constraints, all the diversification strategies considered provide significant benefits, regardless of the current benchmark used. The results when the trade constraints and debt constraints are imposed reveal that there is the potential for diversification benefits to be obtained from the currency portfolio optimisation. However, the choice of the current benchmark, and both trade and debt constraints, play an important role in the decision as to with which diversification strategy central bank reserves managers should proceed. Second, using the similar objective functions and diversification benefits measures, the framework is then applied to define asset allocation policy for government bond portfolio. The results from the optimal portfolio for a given existing benchmark return show that there is significant risk minimization benefit by adding developed market longer maturity, quasi-government, emerging and inflation-linked government bonds altogether to the current benchmark portfolio.The benefits could not be found if each asset class is added directly to the current portfolio policy. From the same spanning strategies as the optimum portfolio, the global minimum variance portfolio analysis shows that the diversification benefits are mainly driven by United States Treasury Bills. Third, I investigate risks minimization of government bonds portfolio for a given benchmark returns in various investment policies and risk preferences. This research examines the important role of budget constraints, liquidity buffer allocation, global financial crisis investment opportunities, investing in ultra-long government bond and non-bond investment. Analysis on the impact of the budget provides policy implications that central bank should not to tranche their reserves, but express liquidity requirements in the form of constraints on the portfolio optimisation framework. Investigation on the role of liquidity allocation confirms earlier findings that the risk reduction benefits are mainly driven by US Treasury Bills. The impact of global financial crisis since 2008 emphasises the need for central banks to diversify their foreign reserves benchmark beyond its current setting. We could not find benefits for the central bank to invest in ultra-long maturity government bonds. Lastly, we found that non-government bond investments provide significant benefits when it compares to the existing benchmark, and incremental benefits from the well-diversified government-related bond portfolio.Despite massive global foreign reserves accumulation since the late 1990s, a study on strategic asset allocation from a central bank perspective remains relatively limited. Many countries have built up foreign reserves greater than their trading and financing sufficiency; consequently, there is increased public awareness as to how central banks manage their reserves. This research addresses the issue of asset structure of foreign reserves portfolios; currency composition and strategic asset allocation. This thesis provides an alternative strategic asset allocation framework that focuses more on liquidity and safety objectives, without sacrificing return objective of the existing central banks' portfolios. This research contributes to the theoretical literature that combines mean-variance Bayesian framework with the spirit of the transaction theory of central bank foreign reserves. First, using the unconditional Bayesian approach with external transaction constraints, I investigate risk reduction benefits to both minimum variance and optimal portfolios for a given existing return for central banks'currency allocation. Our results show that before imposing currency weight constraints, all the diversification strategies considered provide significant benefits, regardless of the current benchmark used. The results when the trade constraints and debt constraints are imposed reveal that there is the potential for diversification benefits to be obtained from the currency portfolio optimisation. However, the choice of the current benchmark, and both trade and debt constraints, play an important role in the decision as to with which diversification strategy central bank reserves managers should proceed. Second, using the similar objective functions and diversification benefits measures, the framework is then applied to define asset allocation policy for government bond portfolio. The results from the optimal portfolio for a given existing benchmark return show that there is significant risk minimization benefit by adding developed market longer maturity, quasi-government, emerging and inflation-linked government bonds altogether to the current benchmark portfolio.The benefits could not be found if each asset class is added directly to the current portfolio policy. From the same spanning strategies as the optimum portfolio, the global minimum variance portfolio analysis shows that the diversification benefits are mainly driven by United States Treasury Bills. Third, I investigate risks minimization of government bonds portfolio for a given benchmark returns in various investment policies and risk preferences. This research examines the important role of budget constraints, liquidity buffer allocation, global financial crisis investment opportunities, investing in ultra-long government bond and non-bond investment. Analysis on the impact of the budget provides policy implications that central bank should not to tranche their reserves, but express liquidity requirements in the form of constraints on the portfolio optimisation framework. Investigation on the role of liquidity allocation confirms earlier findings that the risk reduction benefits are mainly driven by US Treasury Bills. The impact of global financial crisis since 2008 emphasises the need for central banks to diversify their foreign reserves benchmark beyond its current setting. We could not find benefits for the central bank to invest in ultra-long maturity government bonds. Lastly, we found that non-government bond investments provide significant benefits when it compares to the existing benchmark, and incremental benefits from the well-diversified government-related bond portfolio

    Indonesian market demand patterns for food commodity sources of carbohydrates in facing the global food crisis

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    Global food consumption tends to rise more quickly than supply. This has to do with important global issues like population growth. Additionally, global conflicts are going to hinder the distribution of food. Indonesia has an enormous opportunity of anticipating these circumstances considering its promise as one of the largest supplies of food worldwide. Rice is still the staple food in Indonesia, but the dynamics of society are under threat from wheat food. It is possible to create strategy plans to deal with potential food scarcity by understanding the behavior of food demand trends for big carbohydrate sources like corn, cassava, sweet potatoes (as a substitution), and the development of wheat as a beneficial food. The results of the study indicate that rice, corn, cassava, and sweet potatoes—food commodities that are major sources of carbohydrates—are inelastic, which means that their prices are not affected by variations in demand. The community still relies on rice as the primary food source. Cross elasticity >0 in these non-wheat food commodities indicates mutually beneficial replacement among the foods that are sources of carbohydrates. That is, with the dynamics of an increase in income, for example, it will also increase consumption. The results of the study also demonstrate that wheat food items are only a complementary, not a staple food needed, thus concerns about wheat's dominance as a food component in industrial products actually have no impact on local food. The availability of high-yielding varieties of rice, corn, cassava, and sweet potatoes, the implementation of food reserves by the Indonesian National Logistics Agency (Bulog) from the government center to the regions, food diversification, changing preferences, and creating an awareness of local food pride with massive education are some of the anticipatory steps taken in response to the global food crisis